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IC & Fast Electric Rules & Championship Standings

For the results round by round please click on the links below.

IC & Fast Electric Championship Standings 2024

IC & Fast Electric Rules

1.  The Club Championship will consist of the following classes:


          2 cell electric

          You may run any hull, drive and motor setup but it must run on a 2 cell batteries.


          3 cell electric

          You may run any hull, drive and motor setup but it must run on a 3 cell batteries.


          .12 IC

          You may run any hull but it must run submerge drive and a max engine size of .12, Boat                 will run in a clockwise direction.


          .21 and .28 Standard

          You may run any hull but it must run submerge drive and a max engine size of .28, Boat                 will run in a clockwise direction.


          .35 - .46 Standard

          You may run any hull but it must run submerge drive and a max engine size of .46, Boat                 will run in a clockwise direction.


          Petrol – Multi

          You must run any multi boat setup with a max engine size of 35cc Petrol motors, Boat will             run in an anti-clockwise direction.


    There will be medals awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each class subject to there being at least 4       in the class or 1st and 2nd for up to 4 in the class.


2.    There will be 8 rounds with 2 races in each class in each round.  Each race will be scored.              Both races in each round may count towards the total.


3.    A competitor must complete at least 4 laps to score points in a race. Those starting and not            completing 4 laps will be awarded the minimum points.


4.    Only 10 race scores will count giving competitors up to 6 scores to discard. 


5.    A schedule of racing times is attached but will be subject to change dependent on conditions          on the day.


6.    Each race will be 5 minute in duration excluding the petrol multi class which will be a 10              minute duration.


7.    The start sequence will be as follows:


            For Electric:

  •             Boats will be called to the edge of the lake – boats will start in the water

  •             The final start sequence will be confirmed on the day


            For the .12, .21/.28 and .35 - .46 classes  

  •             A 2 minute muster time will be called during which boats may enter the water at any               time. 1min, 30 secs and race start will be called after 2 minutes.  

  •             As each boat crosses the start/finish line after race start a lap will be counted


            For petrol Multil 

  •             Will get 2 minutes preparation time at the end of which dead engines will be called.

  •             There will be a countdown to a Le Mans start


8.    Once race time has elapsed boats will be counted in on their last lap and informed that their            race is completed.


9.    In the event of 2 boats recording the same time the leading boat across the finishing line on            the final lap will be deemed to be ahead.


10.   In the event of wildfowl straying onto the course the race may be stopped or competitors               asked to follow an alternative course until told otherwise. In some cases the race may be                 restarted from the time at which the race was stopped.


11.   A buoy missed will forfeit one lap and be deducted from the total.  


12.   If a buoy is missed to avoid wildfowl this may at the discretion of the Organiser not result in         the loss of the lap.


13.   At the discretion of the Organiser penalties may be applied for unsportsmanlike conduct on           and off the water. 


14.   All decisions of the Organiser are final.

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